Conferenza: FEEM & Iuav Event: Climate Emergency. Planning the Management of Climate Change Effects – 11 Novembre 2019

Conferenza: FEEM & Iuav Event: Climate Emergency. Planning the Management of Climate Change Effects – 11 Novembre 2019

Si segnala la conferenza FEEM

Climate Emergency. Planning the Management of Climate Change Effects

del Prof. Edward J. Blakely – Professor Emeritus of City & Regional Planning (University of California, Berkeley)

November 11th, 2019 h. 4:45 – 7:30 p.m. 

Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Corso Magenta 63, Milan

Climate change is affecting the Italian territory and causing continuous emergencies. Data from Civil Protection interventions and insurance systems reflect a transformation that is now evident. Climate change is starting to impact the economic system, increasing inequalities and decreasing the ability of companies to cope with the damage. How can the management of climate events be combined with the transformation of a territory to prevent emergencies from becoming catastrophes? Professor Edward Blakely will lead the debate on how to reduce climate change impacts and increase the response capacity of our Country.

Prof. Edward Blakely
Edward Blakely was Chair of the Department of City and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley from 1986 through 1994. A leading scholar and practitioner of urban policy, Blakely has been Dean of the School of Urban Planning and Development at the University of Southern California and Dean of the Robert J. Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy, New School University in New York City. He has also held professorial appointments at the University of California Berkeley, the University of Southern California and the University of Sydney. Blakely is author of ten books and more than one hundred scholarly articles as well as scores of essays and opinion pieces. His publications include Fortress America, Separate Societies: Poverty and Inequality in U.S. Cities, Planning Local Economic Development: Theory and Practice, Rural Communities in Advanced Industrial Society, and My Storm: Managing the Recovery of New Orleans in the Wake of Katrina. Blakely’s extensive record of public service includes advising the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, state and federal governments in Australia and the United States, as well as governments in Korea, Japan, Sweden, Indonesia, New Zealand and Vietnam. The Edward Blakely Prize is awarded every two years to the planner in the world who contributed the most to social justice for people of colour or disadvantage by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. Blakely was recognised by UN Habitat for his contributions to social justice and sustainable planning in disaster recovery in 2012. Professor Blakely is a Fulbright Scholar recipient.

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